What is hearing loss, and what are the signs that you may have it?
Who has hearing loss?


Millions of Americans suffer from mild, severe, or profound hearing loss. While there are many causes of hearing loss, the most common are aging and noise-induced hearing damage.
Curious if you or a loved one has signs of hearing loss? Check your hearing from the comfort of home with Beltone’s online hearing screening.
If the screening reveals a potential hearing loss, there are many treatment options available.


Levels of hearing loss

There are two levels of hearing loss: mild-to-moderate and severe-to-profound.

We hear sounds with tiny nerves called hair cells located in our inner ears. Our outer hair cells help us hear soft sounds, and our inner hair cells help us hear high and low-pitched sounds.

People with mild-to-moderate hearing loss have lost some outer hair cells and have trouble understanding softer sounds, such as the voices of women and children. People with severe hearing loss have lost both inner and outer hair cells, making it harder to hear soft sounds as well as distinguish between high and low-pitched sounds.

Three types of hearing loss:
Conductive hearing loss
Conductive hearing loss is often temporary and can sometimes be corrected with wax removal, allergy or sinus medication, changing a medication, or surgery.
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Sensorineural hearing loss
Sensorineural hearing loss is a common cause of adult hearing problems and is typically related to aging and/or a history of noise exposure. Hearing aids are the treatment of choice for sensorineural hearing damage.
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Mixed hearing loss
Mixed hearing loss happens when conductive and sensorineural losses occur together. Mixed hearing loss can be helped by wax removal, medication, surgery, and/or hearing aids.
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Grandfather with hearing loss
Grandfather with his grandkids

Signs of hearing loss

If you’re experiencing any of the below signs of hearing loss, it’s important to find out why.

  • It’s hard to hear, understand, or follow the words of others when they speak.
  • People seem to speak softly, mumble, slur or drop words, or talk too quickly.
  • You often ask people to repeat themselves.
  • Telephone and video chats are hard to hear clearly.
  • On the telephone, you find yourself straining to distinguish words, “plugging” your non-phone ear, or using earbuds at a medium to high volume with your phone?
  • You sometimes miss text message dings, the doorbell, a ringing phone, or your name being called.
  • You struggle to understand speech in noisy places, such as restaurants.
  • You prefer the television volume louder than friends and family members.
  • You hear a ringing sound in one or both ears.Only a comprehensive hearing test conducted by a licensed hearing care professional can tell you all the facts. Let our hearing care professionals give your ears the respect they deserve.

Think you may be experiencing hearing loss? Give us a call today at 1-850-260-3324 or book your free hearing appointment at one of our Beltone locations.

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